Selasa, 19 April 2011


Praise thanks of presence of God SWT to blessing of god’s guidance which have bestowed of so that writer can finish this paper. This our paper piles to according on cooperation from group me.
As four our the paper piles to according books of our acquisition from the library. We know that in this paper still was found lacks. For that we want critic and suggestion from friends to complete this paper.
Final of writer word climb thanks and prayer of is presence of Allah SWT to the all aid which have been given, hopefully will always get ridho from him.


   Medan, June 03, 2009

Preface................................................................................................................................ i
Contents............................................................................................................................ ii
         A. Background of Study.......................................................................................... 1
         B. Objectives of Study............................................................................................. 2
A.    Past Participle..................................................................................................... 3
B.     Application......................................................................................................... 4
C.     Vocabularies....................................................................................................... 5
CHAPTER III : CONCLUSION..................................................................................... 7


A.   Background of The Study
Language is a method of communication. Language stands at the center of human life, where language as communication is central to all human existence and social process. Language as a tool of communication must have meaning. So, the hearer can understand the ideas what the speaker conveys. Language is very beneficial in our life. Our life would mean nothing without language, commonly in all aspect of human life.
Learning foreign language is quite important because language is knowledge. Learning foreign language is aimed to support the mastery and developing language skill. Realizing how important the language is the government has determined some foreign language to be learned. English as a language has succeded to attract most people all over the world to learn it, because it is an International language functioning as a medium of global communication.
Learning English is a compolsary subject in junior high school, senior high school and the university level where most of the knowledge concerning in high technology is written in English. Many students have difficulties in learning English especially in grammar or structure. The students still find many difficulties in part of Grammar in particular is Past Participle. Further more the causes why they have low ability in Past Perfect Tense, Passive Voice,  Replace Relative Pronoun, As Adverb of Reason, After Certain Verbs.
Finally, the researcher would like to focus on Past Participle. Some reasons that are considered by the researcher in choosing this topic are as follow :
1.      The Past Participle is the important English lesson to study in English.
2.      To study the part of Past Participle in  Past Perfect Tense, Passive Voice,  Replace Relative Pronoun, As Adverb of Reason, After Certain Verbs.

B.   Objectives of The Study
In relation to the problem, the objectives are :
1.      To describe use Past Participle in Past Perfect Tense, Passive Voice,  Replace Relative Pronoun, As Adverb of Reason, After Certain Verbs.
2.      To investigate the problem in using Past Participle in Past Perfect Tense, Passive Voice,  Replace Relative Pronoun, As Adverb of Reason, After Certain Verbs.

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